Thursday, August 19, 2010

Extravagant Love

Both days and nights are filled with medical demands. And the costs! Tremendous. People wonder, in their lesser moments, why someone would seek out such a child. Eyes that see nothing, hands that only grasp. Doctors tell her he will not live long, tell her how defective he is.

She holds him in her arms, draws the small head to her face, and kisses his tender cheek. This is the child she moved mountains for. He is not of her womb, but was chosen because of his great need.

When I look at her face, I see Jesus.

And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them and blessed them. Mark 10:16 NIV
Please pray for families that choose to adopt those with special needs.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Boys Are Strange Creatures

We were sitting at the pizza place and I told my friend Baby Girl's most recent observation. My friend agreed that boys were, indeed, very strange creatures. She lamented the fact that she could not understand some of the things her son did (or did not) do.

Being blessed with an over abundance of boys, I thought of my vast knowledge of all things Star Trek, how I listen to different music than my peers, and the way I sometimes blurt out, "Cool, Dude!"

I sipped my water. "You shouldn't try to understand them," I said, "It's like going over to the dark side."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How to go Fishing with Jesus

1. Get in the boat.
2. Row.
3. Cast your net.
4. Pull the net in.
5. Keep all the fish.