Monday, June 22, 2009

Something New Every Morning

I stepped out the back door this morning to feed Princess. Princess is a beautiful, but rather sickly, hound dog that adopted us. She came and laid down on the front porch one day several months ago and would not leave. I told her we have allergies, but she didn't listen. I am even more allergic to cats.

A while after Princess decided to make this her home, a gray shadow of a cat could be seen slipping around in the back. After numerous sightings I decided we better worm and flea her. I was also influenced by the repetitive pleading of my daughter.

We named her Minnie. Worming her was not a problem, just mix the medicine in a little tuna. She has finally started to hang out near the house now and has overcome her skittishness. We were about to treat her for fleas. Yesterday when I woke up I walked into my daughter's room. I was sitting on her bed trying to get her to wake up when I found a flea on my ankle. That was yesterday.

It was a lovely morning when I went outside today. The sun was shining, I could hear the birds chirping, and . . . .something else.

A new discovery. We have been invaded with mini Minnies. Anyone want a kitten?

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