Sunday, May 31, 2009

Matthew 7:1

If I could only use one word to describe her, it would be . . . gracious. She was very gracious when she thanked me for the meager offering. I had bought lunch; burgers and sodas. I think she might be diabetic because she asked for a diet drink and specified no ketchup. We did not exchange many words.

She collects porcelain dolls. It looked like most everything else was gone, but she had held onto her babies. When I said goodbye she was setting them out on a blanket covered hood of a car that had seen better days. It pained her to part with them---but as she said, "What can you do?"

There were two of them, husband and wife. Even though they were disheveled and dirty, they hadn't been on the road long. You could tell. They thought they were desperate, but they weren't quite on that edgy precipice just yet.

I do not know their story, where they came from, or how they came to be in this place. But there are some things I do know.

Every person is made in the image of God and as a unique creation of the Most High are worthy of respect.

If I am completely yielded to the Holy Spirit I need not justify my actions--or lack of them.

While I am to practice discernment, it is God's place--not mine, to judge or condemn.


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