Friday, July 10, 2009

10 Ways I Said "I Love You" to My Family This Week

1. I slept on the lumpy pillow.
2. I made phone calls for someone perfectly capable of dialing themselves.
3. I did not yell about spilled spaghetti sauce on my clean tablecloth.
4. I washed nasty man-stinky clothes.
5. I cooked, for the same meal, separate lowfat food, low carb food, allergen free food, and food for Miss Picky. I did this three times a day, every day.
6. I did not ask hubby, "Did you fix (fill in the blank)?" a single time all week.
7. I administered eardrops to someone who knows not to go swimming without earplugs but did anyway.
8. I bravely battled wasps.
9. I watched a T.V. show I do not like.
10. I let someone else have the last enchilada.

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